We had a great turn out at our monthly Coffee Morning today, with photos from our archives of people and roads to look at. There was a map from 1861 on display that showed what Bridgtown was like when it first started.There was also a more recent map that pin points where all of our history boards are displayed around the village and surrounding area.

We had a small display of photos at the coffee morning that showed members of the Whitehouse family. This was a large family and a big name in the village, with having many connections with local industries.
At today’s meeting we got to celebrate three upcoming members birthdays. There was Jackie Primmer, a long standing member. Jean Dace celebrating her 80th birthday and our Chairman John Devy, who all share their birthday on the 13th July. So from all at the society we would like to wish them a very happy birthday.
This photo, we don’t have any information for. All we know is that the two men flew pigeons in Bridgtown. If anyone recognises the two men or has anymore information that could help name the people in the photograph it would be greatly appreciated.
If you would like a closer look at the photo, please come along to our Coffee Morning (first Wednesday each month) where you can see the photo on display.