Message from Co-Chairman David Williams

Copy of the letter sent by post
to all members


Following the difficulties of the past few months, we are now going to try to resume and expand our activities.  We are sending this letter to everyone who was a member before the pandemic began to blight our lives, as well as to anyone who might be interested in joining us for the first time.

David Williams, co-chairman



Like most organizations we have had no income during the pandemic.  Therefore, we would appreciate a subscription as soon as possible.  We are also asking everyone if they would complete an application form, even if you have been a member for some time.  Bob Brevitt, our subscription secretary, is working very hard at upgrading our records so that we can be more efficient.  If you complete a form, we can check and update the information we have about you.  The laws on data protection are quite stringent these days.  If you have not heard from Bob in the past few weeks, you should do so soon.  If you need an application form, there are some available in David Preece’s newsagent’s shop in North Street.  Alternatively, you can go on the society’s website or contact one of our officers. 

Your subscription covers all of your household as well as yourself.  Initially we are asking for £5.00 to cover the period up to 31st March 2022.  After that, your subscription will be £7.00 per year, as it was before the pandemic.


The society intends to continue to provide 4 copies of our magazine, “The Bridgtonian” each year if possible.  There will be a delay before we are able to produce the first of these.  We purchased an expensive printer many years ago and, unfortunately, this has now ceased to function.  We are exploring alternative ways of producing our magazine and this will take a little time.  We also need a lot more articles than we currently stock.  Help or ideas for these would be most welcome.


Wednesday 4th August at 11.00am

Team Meeting

By law, the society has to have a committee.  We think that sounds a bit too formal, so we call ourselves a team rather than a committee.  The team meets once a month for a planning meeting where we decide what we are going to do, when we are going to do it and how we are going to do it.  We have no secrets so we invite all our members along if they would like to come.  We would particularly like new members to come along, especially if you have good ideas about things we might do in the future.  The meetings are not formal but more like a group of friends meeting together.  The only request is that we don’t all talk at once but listen to what other people say.  Any member is welcome to join us.

Saturday 21st August at 11.00am

Blue Plaque Unveiling

Ma Pardoe was a very famous and well-known personality in the Black Country, but she was born Doris Jones and her birthplace was Bridgtown.  On this occasion we will be unveiling a blue plaque to mark this fact.  The ceremony will be at the junction of Church Street with North Street.  Ma Pardoe’s family will be present and local media have been invited to record the event.  Details of the event are still being arranged but we are hopeful that a short social event will follow the unveiling where you will be able to chat with other society members and officers.  Everyone is welcome.

Wednesday 1st September at 11.00am

Extraordinary General Meeting

This is a fairly formal meeting.  Normally we have an AGM once a year in May but have not held these meetings in 2020 and 2021 for obvious reasons.  The team has called this meeting to keep us within the law.  There are only two items on the agenda.  The first of these is to confirm that the existing officers stay in office until the next AGM in May 2022.  The second item is to accept the society’s financial statements.  There will be no other business and the meeting will be over in a few minutes.

Following this meeting, there will be the normal monthly team meeting to which everybody is invited also.


We are now accepting membership Subscriptions. The Subscription Rates will be as follows, due to the Pandemic and lockdowns:

Subs for the period until 31st March 2022 will be £5.00 and that will be for a household membership.

From that date into the future it will be back to the normal of £7.00 from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023

There is a form on the “Contact Us” page which you can download. Please fill in the details and send , with your remittance (Cheque made out to BDLHS) to the Member Secretary’s address.